Saturday, 13 June 2009

Small acorns

Goodness. It feels like longness since last I was this tired....must be all this blogging, it's finally taking me over. Imagine if one day I did actually live the writing dream and spent hours each day in my beautiful wooden outhouse, perhaps in a forest, with birdsong to inpire and shards of sunlight cascading softly through my window across the plethera of pages I would write. I imagine how wonderful that would be. I would never be tired, get writer's block or run out of bird food and Turkish Delight. I would never tire of my own company and I would learn the fine art of productivity and would know exactly how to live off the fat of the land. I wouldn't have to see another soul for days and, after pouring over pages and pages of the most anointed scrawlings ever to have been quilled on paper(laptops aren't really long term options in forests), I would re-surface again in the real world, liase with my agent who would confirm, as I had suspected, that I had indeed produced a guarenteed best seller the likes of which the world has never laid eyes on, until they held my beautifully bound and illustrated masterpiece in their hands...
.....What I was actually going to say was, imagine if I wrote all the time, my brain would be fried and my eyelids might swing, but silliness prevailed. I shall perhaps learn to spell first as I feel this is the only barrier standing in my way of living out the above.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, I should add that the closest thing I got to writing today was walking past an author who was sat signing books in Borders. I hoped that perhaps walking past him several times with a tray full of sample strawberry cream frappucinos, would activate the process of osmosis and I would somehow be imparted with his beautiful gift. As it was, we chatted a little and in my usual self-depricating manner I suggested I was far from the lofty heights of authordom, my green apron causing me a slight mental barrier. He was kind enough to suggest though that perhaps I could start a Frappucino empire. "Maybe that could be my inspiration for a book" I said 'How to start your own Frap empire' or something. Either way, he just said "well, small acorns" and I liked hat he said that. He seemd like the kind of guy who would champion and inspire the cause of the underdog. He made this one smile. I wish to be a tree.

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